
Membership is open to all people and new members are most welcome. Applications for membership must be made on the prescribed form and include nomination and secondment from two current club members.

There are several categories of membership available:

Full Membership

Which as the name suggests carries full voting rights, eligibility to occupy official positions in the Club and eligibility to participate in all Bowls Australia sanctioned events including pennant and tournament play.

First Year Membership

This carries the same rights as full membership, however first year members receive a discount on their annual membership fee.

Social Member

This membership does not carry voting rights or eligibility to occupy official positions, it is for those that do not wish to play in pennant or tournament competitions but do wish to share in the social activities of our club.

Indoor Bowls Member

For those who are not otherwise a member of our club and wish to play in a Lawn Tennis Bowls Club indoor bowls pennant side.